The Usage of the "THE" :P
first of all sorry for the confusing title. In this blog we shall
discuss where we should use the article "The". Some of these statements
are really make you confuse and seems they are opposing each other.
Please try to read this for two or three times. so that you can
understand THE concept easily.
- Before superlative forms
- Ex :
- The Tallest
- The Best
- The most beautiful
- Before double comparatives
- Ex:
- When the comparison is between the two and either of the subjects is Highlighted
- Ex:
- ✔ Sachin is the greater of the two cricketers
- ✔ Of the two cricketers sachin is the greater
- Note :
- ☓ Sachin is the greater than lara
- Now whats the difference between the first statement and the third? why the first one is correct and third one is wrong? because in the 3rd statement, we have mentioned the Person's name. But in the first statement we didnt.
- Before positive form in apposition
- Before musical instruments
- The Guitar
- The Tabla
- The voilin etc
- Before a Proper noun when used as a Common noun
- Nelson mandela is The Gandhi of South Africa
- Kalidasa is The Shakespeare of India
- Before some adjectives to make them nouns
- Ex:
- The Blind
- The Dead
- The Rich
- The Poor
- Usage :
- The doctor restored sight to the blind (Here there is no need to mention "The Blind Person" because, the term Blind itself represents the Blind person, so its the adjective which is used as the noun.)
- The rich should not mock at the poor
- ✔ Jesus rose from the Dead
- ☓ Jesus rose from Dead
- Before some Languages, to make them PEOPLE.
- ☓ English ruled over India for many Years
- ✔ The English Ruled over India for Many Years
- ☓ French are good at heart
- ✔ The French are good at heart
- When a noun's quality is STRESSED
- ☓ We cannot remove warrior in him
- ✔ We cannot remove the warrior in him
- ☓ Mother in her aroused when she saw a Crying Baby
- ✔ The mother in her aroused when she saw a Crying Baby
- Before Ordinal numbers
- The First
- The Third
- The Tenth, etc
- Ex:
- The first and the second posts of this blog
- Note : Little clarification for those people who have no idea about Ordinal numbers
- One, Two, Three, Four → Cardinal Numbers
- First, Second, Third → Ordinal Numbers
- Before the names of Oceans, Seas, Rivers, Canals, Deserts, Groups of Mountains and Groups of Islands
- Note : Dont use "The" for single mountain or single Island (Thats the reason why we've underlined these two statements)
- Ex :
- ✔ The Pacific
- ✔ The Red Sea
- ✔ The Sahara
- ✔ The Himalayas
- Usage :
- ✔ Kolkata is on the banks of the Hoogli
- ☓ Kolkata is on the banks of the River Hoogli
- ✔ Kolkata is on the banks of river Hoogli
- ✔ Kolkata is on the banks of the Hoogli river
- Dont be confued, please read the above sentences properly and understand them
- Before Holy Books
- The Ramayana
- The Quran
- The Bible
- Usage:
- My father reads the Bible everyday
- Before the names of the Things, which are unique in nature
- The Sun
- The moon
- The Sky
- The ________ (You can add your name here :P kidding)
- Before the names of Planets and Satellites
- The Mars
- The Earth
- Note : Little clarification for those people who confuses between the words Planet and Satellites
- Planets rotates around the Sun
- Satellites rotates around Planets
- In apposition, when name precedes the position (Important)
- Manmohan singh, the prime minister is on a two day tour to srilanka
- In correction of sentences, they've given this model for a number of times. The above sentence means, Manmohan singh, who is the prime minister is on a two day tour to srilanka.
- Some time they will give like this
- The X, the Y is on a two day tour to srilanka
- Whats wrong with this sentence? You can remove THE at the begining or, just put ARE in the place of IS, so that the sentence tells about TWO different persons one is X and the second one is Y
- Before the names of News Papers
- The Indian Express
- The Hindu etc
- Before the names of some countries
- The U.S.A
- The UAE
- The Netherlands
- The Congo etc