Note : This post is the Lesson 2 of our Verbal Analogies Shortcuts series. It is advisable to read the Introductory Lesson 1 of Verbal Analogies before reading this post.
Which Strategy Should I follow to solve Verbal Analogy Problems ?
- The first step in analysing original analogous pair of words (the head pair) is to describe the connection between the words of the pair. The best way to do this is to formulate a sentence that express the connection between the words. Since the purpose of this sentence is to analyse or diagnose the nature of the connection between the words. Since the purpose of this sentence is to analyze or diagnose the nature of the connection between the words of the head pair, we may call it Diagnostic Sentence or DXS for short.
- After formulating the DXS, test each answer choice to find the pair of words that best fit the sentence.
- hatred : affection
- condemnation : approval
- rage : anger
- difficult : understanding
- privacy : invasion
Now, the first step is to formulate a DXS. ECSTASY means "great or overwhelming PLEASURE," so the DXS might be "ECSTASY is extreme PLEASURE"
The second step is to test each of the answer choices with the DXS. extreme....................
- Hatred is extreme affection
- Condemnation is extreme approval
- Rage is extreme anger
- Difficulty is extreme understanding
- Privacy is extreme invasion
Here, option 3 is the best answer. Because for only Option 3, the pair of words correctly fit the DXS.
Now lets have a look at another example.
Now lets have a look at another example.
- Voluntary : Requirement
- Anticipated : Performance
- Interesting : Feeling
- Practical : Knowledge
- Insane : Connection
DXS : Somethign that is ACCIDENTAL is done without INTENTION.
Now, test each of the answer choices with the diagnostic sentence.
Something that is ............ is done without .........................
- Something that is voluntary is done without requirement
- Something that is anticipated is done withoutperformance
- Something that is interesting is done without feeling
- Something that is practical is done without knowledge
- Something that is insane is done without connection
here option 1 is the answer, and it is the only logical substitution that makes scene in this DXS.