

Idioms: A gate crasher
Meaning: Someone who attends a party without being invited
Sentence: Ewrun warned her friends to expect Tue Yew at the party because she is known to be a gate crasher
Idioms: A heart-to-heart talk
Meaning: A frank and open discussion
Sentence: I
wet and Owen had a heart-to-heart talk about their troubled friendship.
Idioms: A go-getter
Meaning: Someone who is determined to succeed in life
Sentence: U wen is a go-getter; he will do anything to achieve his dreams.
Idioms: A necessary evil
Meaning: A negative / unpleasant thing that has to be done in order to survive
Sentence: D wet needn't regret her decision as it was a necessary evil ground her son in order to teach him an important lesson.
Idioms: A nest egg
Meaning: Money saved for the future
Sentence: F wet has very wisely started a nest egg for his retirement.
the beginning of the end:
- the time when something that has been good starts to be less good or to end
* In this generation, the children understand Navajo but don't speak it, and that's the beginning of the end.
Idioms: A quer fish
Meaning: A strange person
Sentence: Geronimo is a quer fish--he behaves in the strangest way and says the oddest things
Idioms: A rap on the knuckles
Meaning: A scolding , criticism
Sentence: The Mayor received a rap on the knuckles from the Prime Minister for allowing the streets in the town to remain dirty .
Idioms: A rotten apple
Meaning: someone who is a bad influence on others
Sentence: Tom's friend avoid him because he is a rotten apple

Idioms : A skeleton in the cupboard
Meaning : A secret
Sentence : Roxy wanted to get more information from Layla as she knew there was a skeleton in the cupboard.
Idioms : A sight for sore eyes
Meaning : Something very beautiful to look at.
Sentence : Musa was a sight for sore eyes in her new party dress.


Meaning: To exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body.

go stag
to go to an event (which is meant for couples) without a member of the opposite sex. (Originally referred only to males.) Is Tom going to take you, or are you going stag? Bob didn't want to go stag, so he took his sister to the party.

drop in the bucket::A drop in the bucket" is a something that is not important because it is very small.
Example: "I'm sorry I scratched your car." Reply: "Don't worry about it. It's just a drop in the bucket. That car has more scratches on it than I can count."

Give somebody The Slip::To "give someone the slip" is to escape, or get away from that person
Example: "Quick-there is a police car behind us; let's give him the slip
Scarf Down ::To eat something very quickly
Example- Don't worry, I will scarf down the sandwich and go back to my work.

an axe to grind::
You have "an axe to grind" with someone when you are angry with that person and you plan to confront them.
Example: "Tell your brother that I have an axe to grind with him!"
bite the bullet::
You "bite the bullet" when you are forced to be Patience and wait when you do not want to wait.

to carry weight: to be important

Something which carries weight is important in that situation.

Example: "What I say carries weight around here

Chunk of change: a lot of money
Usage: He wants to invest a chunk of change in the stock market.
dirty laundry:
unpleasant secrets

EXAMPLE: I don't want to hear about her dirty laundry. Why do you feel it necessary to gossip about things like this?

Devil's Advocate:

Someone who takes a position for the sake of argument without believing in that particular side of the argument. It can also mean one who presents a counter argument for a position they do believe in, to another debater.

Get hands on:
- To obtain something.
Ex: I want to get my hands on the keys of the sports car.

Idioms : Get one's ACT together : Organize oneself in the manner required in order to achieve something

Idioms : Where the ACTION is : where important or interesting thing are happening .
Idioms : Not know someone from ADAM:not know or be complexly unable to recognize the person in question.
Idioms : he Old ADAM : unregenerate human nature.
Idioms : For AFRICA : In abundance in large number.

Lend Me Your Ear:
- To politely ask for someone's full attention.
Ex: He lent me an ear when I was down on myself.

light at the end of the tunnel:
- Impending success after enduring hard work.
Ex: Don't worry about failing. With your hard work there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

Zero Tolerance:
- A repressive crackdown on a crime or undesirable behavior. Implemented with harsh punishment even for first-time offenders. No crime or law breaking big or small will be overlooked.
Ex: Our office has a zero tolerance policy regarding drugs.
PERCHANCE - perhaps, probably (MARATHI - kadachit)
The umpire's decision was perchance wrong.

A Piece of Cake:
A task that can be accomplished very easily.

a let-down
a disappointment; something that's very disappointing.
"It must've been quite a let-down not to be chosen for that job. I know you really hoped you would get it."

Fat chance!:
This idiom is a way of telling someone they have no chance.30 minutes ago