SSC CGL 2014 preparation:
chapter 1: man and work problem shortcuts:
1) when questions comes X man can do a W of work in Y days with Z RS like that.....
(N1*D1) / (W1*C1) = (N2*D2/ (W2*C2)
N = number of workers
D = days
W = work done ( it may be 1 or 1/2 or 1/4 etc )
C = cost
2) A car can cover X distance in Y time like that.....
(D1/T1) = (D2/T2)
D = distance
T = time
3) the wheel has D diameter and complete R revolutions like that.........
D1*R1 = D2*R2
D = diameter
R = revolution
it is two step approach if they give three steps means extend one step like
N1D1/W1C1 = N2D2/W2C2 = N3D3/W3C3
I you guys understand. Take your practice book and using this method to solve this kind of sums. If you have any doubts about that comment.
Thank you.