
SSC Quiz on coding decoding

1.    If FISH is written as EHRG in a certain code, how would JUNGLE is written in that code?
(a) ITMFKD                                (b) ITNFKD    
(c) KVOHMF                              (d) TIMFKD

2.    If SUMMER is coded as RUNNER, the code for WINTER will be.
(a) SUITER                                 (b) VIOUER   
(c) WALKER                              (d) SUFERH
3.    In a certain code, PRODUCTIONS is written as QQPCVEUHPMT. How is ORIENTATION written in that code?
(a) PQJDOVBSJNO                 (b) PQJDOUBUJPO 
(c) PSJFOVBSJNO                  (d) NESHFMVBSJNO
4.    If, in a code, BASICS is written as DDULEV. How is LEADER written in that code?
(a) NHCGGU                              (b) BGYPYEK            
(c) NHCGUG                              (d) LKBGYPK
5.    In a certain code, SPRING is written as UNUFRC. How wills the word MOBILE is written in that code language?
(a) KQEFPA                               (b) OMDGNC            
(c) OMDGPA                              (d) OMEFPA  
6.    In a certain code, POETRY is written as QONDSQX and OVER is written as PNUDQ. How is MORE written in that code language?
(a) LNNQD                                  (b) NNNQD                
(c) NLNQD                                  (d) NLPQD
7.    In a certain code, CAT is written as SATC and DEAR is written as SEARD. HOW would SING be written in that code?
(a) BGINS                                    (b) SGNIS                  
(c) SINGS                                    (d) GNISS
8.    In a certain code language, COMPUTRONE is written as PMOCTUENOR. How is ADVANTAGES written in that code?
(a) SEGATNAVAD                    (b) AVDATNSEGA    
(c) AVDATASEGN                    (d) NAVDASEGAT
9.    If STRONG is written as ROTNSG, then how NAGPUR would be written in the same code?
(a) GPAUNR                               (b) PGUARN             
(c) PGAURN                               (d) GPUANR
10.  In a certain code language, ORIENTAL is written as MBUOFJSP. How is COWARDLY written in that code language?
(a) XKCQBXPD                         (b) XLBQCXPD         
(c) ZMESDPXB                          (d) None of these       
1.    (a):   Each letter in the word is moved one step backward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.
2.    (b):   The first letter of the word is moved one step backward, while the two middle letters are each moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letters of the code.
3.    (a):   The first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh letters in the word are each moved one step  forward, the second, fourth, eighth and tenth letters are each moved one step backward, while the middle (i.e. sixth) letter is moved two steps forward to obtain the corresponding letters of the code.
4.    (a):   The first, third, fifth letter in the word is moved two steps forward and second, fourth, sixth letter moved three steps forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.
5.    (d):   The first, third and fifth letters in the word are moved two, three and four steps forward respectively while the second, fourth and sixth letters are moved two, three and four steps backward respectively to obtain the corresponding letters of the code.
6.    (c):   The first letter of the word is replaced by a set of two letters – one following it and the other preceding it – in the code. The remaining letters moved one steps backward to obtain the corresponding letters of the code.
7.   (c):   The first letter of the word is moved to the last position and “S” is placed at the beginning, to form the code.
8.    (b):  The first four letters, the middle two letters and the last four letters of the word are written in a reverse order to form the code.
9.    (a):   The code contains the letters of the word in the order- third, fourth, second, fifth, first and sixth.
10.  (d):  The letters of the word are written in a reverse order and then each letter is moved one step forward to obtain the code.