
Famous Books / Plays and Their Writers

Famous Books / Plays

Book Author


A Bend in the River V.S. Naipaul
Autobiography of an Unknown Indian Nirad C. Chaudhury
Asian Drama Gunnar Myrdal
Arabian Nights G.B. Shaw
Area of Darkness V.S. Naipal
A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking
A Bend in the River V.S. Naipal
A China Passage John Kenneth Gaibrath
Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carrol
Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain
A Dangerous Place Daniel Patrick Moyanihan
A Passage to England Nirad C. Chaudhury
A Passage to India E.M. Forster
Arms and the Man G.B. Shaw
As You Like It William Shakespare
A Thousand Splendid Syus Khalid Hosseini
A Study of History Arnold J. Toynbee


Business @ the Speed of Thought Bill Gates
Baby and Child Penelope Each
Beating the Street Peter Lynch
Back to Methuselah G.B. Shaw
Ben Hur Lewis Wallace
Bhutto–A Political Biography Salmaan Taseer
Beloved Toni Morrison
Beyond the Horizon Eugene O’Neill
Black Holes and the Baby Universe Stephen Hawking
Blind Ambitions John Dean
Brothers Karamazhov, Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Battle Field 8 John O’Hara
By Love Possessed James Gould Cozzens
Breakthrough Gen. Moshe Dayan
Byzantium W.B. Yeats


Cavlillac Desert Marc Reisner
Crime and Punishment Feodor Dostoyevsky
Confidential Clerk T.S. Eliot
Caesar and Cleopatra G.B. Shaw
Candide G.B. Shaw
Candidate Voltaire
Care of the Soul Thomas Moore
Cherry Orchard Anton Chekov
Crown of Wild Olive John Ruskin
Confessions J.J. Rousseau
Creation Gore Vidal
Count of Monte Cristo Alexander Dumas
Crossing the Threshold of Hope Pope John Paul II
Cry, the Beloved Country Alan Patan
Culture in the Vanity Bag Nirad C. Chaudhury
Coverly Papers Josepy Addison


Dark Horse Tami Hoag
Das Capital Karl Marx
David Copperfield Charles Dickens
Divine Comedy Dante
Death in Venice Thomas Mann
Death of a Patriot R.E. Harrington
Deserted Village Oliver Goldsmith
Descent of Man Charles Darwin
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Edward Gibbon
Diana Versus Charles James Whitaker
Dilemna of Our Time Harold Joseph Laksi
Diplomacy Henry Kissinger
Disclosure Michel Crichton
Divine Comedy Alighieri Dante
Doctor Zhivago Boris Pasternak
Doctor’s Dilemma G.B. Shaw
Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robers Louis Stevenson
Dust to Dust Tami Hoag


Eats, Shoots and Leaves Lynne Trurs.
Ends and Means A. Huxley
Earth Emile Zola
Eminent Victorians Lytton Strachey
Emma Jane Austen
Envoy to Nehru Escott Reid
Essay for Poor to the Rich John Kenneth Galbraith
Expanding Universe Arthur Stanley Eddington
Erewhon Samuel Butler
Eclipse Stephenie Meyer
Essays of Elia Chales Lamb


From Here to Eternity James Jones
Farm House George Orwell
Family Reunion T.S. Eliot
Farewell to Arms Enest Hemingway
Father and Sons Ivan Turgenev
First Circle Alexander Salzhenitsyn
For Whom the Bell Tolls Ernest Hemingway
Final Days, J.W. Von Goethe
The French Revolution Thomas Carlyle
Freedom at Midnight Lorry Collins and
Dominique Lapierre
Fran Kenstein Mary Shelley


Giraffe J.M. Ledgard
Gandhi and Stalin Louis Fisher
Gatheing Storm Winston Churchill
Gone with the Wind Margaret Michell
Good Earth Pearl Buck
Good Times, Bad Times Harold Evans
Golden Bough James Frazer
Grammar of Politics Harold Joseph Laski
Great Expectations Charles Dickens
Great Tragedy Z.A. Bhutto
Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift
Goodbye, Mr.Chips James Hilton


Half a Life V.S. Naipaul
Hamlet William Shakespeare
Heritage Anthony West
Heroes and Hero Worship Thomas Carlyle
Hinduism Nirad C. Choudhary
House Divided Pearl S. Buck
Human Factor Graham Greene
Hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo
The Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows J.K. Rowling
House of Meetings Martin Amis


Ideas and Opimous Albert Einstein
If I am Assassinated Z.A. Bhutto
In Evil Hour Gabriel Garcia Marquez
In Memoriam Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Importance of Living Lin Yu Jang
Inside Asia John Gunther
Islamic Bomb Krousney
Intimacy Jean Paul Sartre
Invisible Man H.G. Wells
Isabella John Keats
Islands in the Streams Ernest Hemingway
Ivanhoe Sir Walter Scott
In Search of Gandhi Richard Attenborough


Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte
Jean Christophe Ramain Rolla
Jewel Danielle Steel
Julius Caesar William Shakespeare
Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling
Jurassic Park Michael Crichton
Joe Wilson the Creation of Xerox Chasles D. Ellis


Kidnapped R.L. Stevenson
Kane and Abel Jeffrey Archer
Kenilworth Sir Walter Scott
King Lear William Shakespeare
Kabula Khan Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Kim Rudyard Kipling


Life of Pi Yann Martel
Lady Chatterley’s Lover D.H. Lawrence
Last Days of Pompeii Edward George Lytton
Les Miserable Victor Hugo
Lolita V. Nabakov
Last Things C.P. Snow
Leaders Richard Nixon
Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman
Latters From the Field Margret Mead
Leviathan Thomas Hobbes
Life of Samuel Johnson James Boswell
Lighting Danielle Steel
Like Water for Chocolate Laura Esquive
Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela
Love Story Erich Segal
Magic Mountain Thomas Mann
Man and Superman G.B. Shaw
Marriage and Morals Bertrand Russell
Mein Kamph Hitler
Macbeth William Shakespeare
Mahatma Gandhi Romain Rolland
Main Street Sinclair Lewis
Major Barbara G.B. Shaw
Man of Destiny G.B. Shaw
Man of Property John Galsworthy
Man-eaters of Kumoan Jim Corbett
Memories of Second World War W. Churchil
Midnight’s Children Salman Rushdie
Mother Maxim Gorky
Mother India Katherine Mayo
Murder in The Cathedral T.S. Eliot
Myth of Independence Z.A. Bhutto
Mysterious Universe James Jeans
Maurice E.M. Forster
Mill on the Floss George Eliot
Moonwalk Michael Jackson
My Son’s Father Dom Moraes
Mystic River Dennis Lehane


No Logo Naomi Klein
Nana Emile Zola
Never AT Home Dom Moraes
Nineteen Eighty Four George Orwell
No Full Stops in India Mark Tully
Nine Days’ Wonder John Mosefield
Ninth Symphony L. Beethoven
Nostromo Joseph Conrad


On Opera Bernard Williams
Oliver Twist Charles Dickens
Oliver’ Story Erich Segal
On the Threshold of Hope Pope John Paul
One World and India Amold Toynbee
One World Wendell Wilkie
Operation Shylock Philip Roth
Othello William Shakespeare
Odyssey Homer
Of Human Bondage Somerset Maugham
Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway
The Origin of Species Charles Darwin
Out of Africa Isak Dinesen


Paradise Lost John Milton
Pakistan: the Gathering Storm Benazir Bhutto
Peter Pan J.M. Barrie
Prince, Machiavelli Niccalo
The Prince of Power Seymour M. Hersh
Pleading Guilty Scott Turow
Prelude William Wordsworth
Preoccupations Seamus Heaney
Preparing for the Twentieth Century Paul Kennedy
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
Primary Colours Anonymous
Principia Mathematica Bertrand Russell
Prizes Eric Segal
Pygmalion G.B. Shaw
Profiles in Courage J.F. Kennedy


Reading Lolitha in Tehran Azar Nafisi
Republic Plato
Rabbit, Run John Updik
Rape of Bangladesh Anthony Mascarenhas
Rebel, The Alert ampus
Rebirth Leonid Brezhnew
Red Badge of Courage, Stephen Crane
The Red Star Over China Edgar Snow
Reflections on the French Revolution Edmund Burke
Remembering Babylon David Malouf
Rendezvous with Rama Arthur C. Clark
Riding the Storm Harold MacMillian
Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare
Room at the Top John Braine Roots
Runaway Jury John Grisham
Rebecca Dephne du Maurier


Seven Lies Janes Lasdun
Sanctuary William Faulkner
Sevel Lamps of Architecture John Ruskin
Shape of Things to Come H.G. Wells
She? to Conquer Oliver Goldsmith
Siddharta Hermann Hess
Sohrab and Rustam Matthew Arnold
Sons and Lovers D.H. Lawrence
Strangers and Brothers C.P. Snow
Strife John Galsworthy
Stopping by Woods Robert Frost
Saint John G.B. Shaw
Scarlet Letter Nathoniel Hauthrone


Tales from Shakespeare Charles Lamb
The Secret Rhonda Byrne
Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens
A Talisman Sir Walter Scott
Tarzan of the Apes Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tempest, William Shakespeare
The Tenth Insight James Redfield
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Affluent Society John Kenneth Galbraith
The Age of Reason Jean Paul Sartre
The Agenda Bob Woodword
The Agony and the Ecstasy Elia Kazan
The Banayan Tree Hugh Tinker
The Cancer Word Alexander Solzhenistayn
The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
The Cardinal Henry Morton Robinson
The Castle Franz Kalka
The Class Erich Segal
The Clown Heinrich Boll
The Coup John Updike
The End of a Beautiful Era Joseph Brodsky
The Eye of the Storm Patrick White
The End of History and the Last Man Franis Fukuyana
Trials of Jesus John Masefield
The Pursuit of Love Nancy Milford
The Final Judgement Richard N. Patterson
The Flounder Gunter Grass
The Fire Next Time James Baldwin
The God Father Mario Puzo
The Hot Zone Richard Prelunid
The Idiot Feodor Dostoevsky
The Interpreters Wob Soyinka
The Lost World Michael Crichton
The Masters C.P. Snow
The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare
The Third Wave Ajin Luoffler
The Total Zone Patric White
The Crucible Arthur Miller


Under the Net Iris Murdoch
Utopia Sir Thomas More
Universe Around US James Jeans
Ulysses James Joyce
Unto the Last John Ruskin
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe
Unless Carol Shields


View from the UN U Thant
Valley of Dolls Jacqueline Susann
Vanity Fair William Thackeray
Very Old Bones William Kennedy
Video Night in Kathmandu Pico Iyer


Where I was From Joan Didion
Waiting for Godot Samuel Backet
Wake up India Annie Besant
War and Peace Leo Tolstoy
Witness to an Era Frank Moraes
World Within Worlds Stephen Spender
Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
The Wizard of the Crow Ngugi wa Thiongo


You can win Shiv Khera
Year of the Upheaval Henry Kissinger
Yesterday and Today K.P.S Menon


Zorba the Greek Nikos Kazantzakis
Zhivago, Boris Pasternak
Dr. Zen and the Art of Robest Pirosing
Motorcycle Maintenance