
National Organizations

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
This Organization provides scientific and industrial research of value for India's sustained growth, strategic needs and nurturing of national human resource in science and technology.

Central Statistical Organization (CSO)
It is responsible for formulation and maintenance of statistical standards, work pertaining to national accounts, industrial statistics, consumer price indexes for urban non-manual employees conduct of economic census and survey, training in official statistics, coordination of statistical activities undertaken within the country and liaisoning with international agencies in statistical matters.

Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)
It is the national apex body for assessment, monitoring and control of water and air pollution. It advises the Central Government on all matters concerning the prevention and control of air, water and noise pollution.

Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC)
It was set up under the Cinematograph Act, 1952. Film can be publicly exhibited in India only after they have been certified by the Central Board of Film Certificate.

Central Ground Water Board
It was constituted as the national apex organisation in 1970. The main activities of the Board include macro-level hydrogeological investigations, deep exploratory drilling coupled with remote sensing studies, geophysical studies and pumping test to study the subsurface hydrogeological features and nation-wide monitoring of the behavior of water table and water quality through a network of 15,843 hydrograph stations.

Central Inland Water Transport Corporation (CIWTC)
With its headquarters at Kolkata, it was set up as a public sector undertaking in May 1967. It is mainly engaged in transportation of goods by inland waterways in the Ganga, Bhagirathi, Hooghly, Sunderbans and Brahmaputra rivers.

Export Inspection Council
It is an autonomous body and is responsible for the enforcement of quality control and compulsory pure-shipment inspection of various exportable commodities covered under the export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963.

Export Promotion Councils
There are at present ten Export Promotion Councils under the administrative control of the Department of Commerce. The Export Promotion Councils perform both advisory and executive functions.

Foreign Investment Implementation Authority (FIIA)
FIIA aims at facilitating quick translation of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) approvals into implementation, provide a proactive one-step after care service to foreign investors by helping them to obtain necessary approvals, sort out operational problems and meet with various Government agencies to find the solution to the problems of investors.

Geological Survey of India (GSI)
Established in 1851 it is a premier national scientific survey and research organisation and is also the principal provider of basic earth science information to the Government industry and general public as well as responsive participant in international geo-scientific era.

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
It was constituted as an autonomous organisation responsible for the planning, organising, implementation and coordination of medical research in country.

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999, notified on Dec. 29, 1999 provides for the establishment of a statutory Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority to protect the interest of holders of insurance policies and to regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth of the insurance industry.

Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
It is an autonomous apex body at national level, which promotes science and technology programmes in the area of agriculture research, education and extension education.

Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM)
Its main function is promotion of conservation of minerals, regulating the impact of mining on environment and scientific development of all the minerals resources of the country except coal, petroleums natural gas, atomic and minor minerals.

Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI)
It came into existence on Oct. 27, 1986 as a statutory Body for development, maintenance, management and regulation of national waterways in the country and to act as advisor to the Central and State Governments on matters relating to Inland water transport.

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)
It was established on Sept. 1, 1956 to spread the message of Life Insurance in the country and mobilise peoples savings for Nation building activities.

Medical Council of India (MCI)
It was established as a statutory body under the provisions of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1993. The main functions of the Council are maintenance of uniform standard of medical education both at the undergraduate and the post-graduate levels, maintenance of Indian Medical Registrar, reciprocity with foreign countries in the matter of mutual recognition of medical qualifications continuing medical education and granting of provisional/permanent registration of doctors with recognised medical qualifications.

National Safety Council
It was set up in 1966 to promote safety consciousness among workers to prevent accidents, minimise dangers and mitigate human suffering, arrange programmes, lectures and conferences on safety, conduct educational campaigns to arouse consciousness among employers and workers and collect educational and information data.

National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
It is set up in September 1961. With headquarters at New Delhi, it assists and advises the Central and State Governments on academic matters related to school education.

National Scheduled Tribes Financial Development Corporation
It was set up in April 2001 by bifurcating the National Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Financial Development Corporation. It provides grants for skill development programme for STs.

National Backward Classes Finance and Development
Corporation (NBCFDC)
It was set up on Jan. 13, 1992 with the objective of providing concessional finance to the members of backward classes living below the poverty line for their socio-economic development by extending them loans for income generating schemes.

National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO)
It was set up in 1950 and reorganised in 1970. The activities of NSSO are guided by a governing council with the requisite independence and autonomy in matters relating to collection, processing and publication of NSS data.

National Film Development Corporation (NFDC)
It was restructured in 1980. Its primary objective is to foster excellence in cinema and to develop state of the art technology in audio-visual and related fields.

National Water Resources Council (NWRC)
It was set up in March 1983. It is an apex body to evolve national policies for development and uses of water resources in conformity with the highest national interest.

National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship
Development Board (NSTEDB)
Established in Jan. 1982 has been implemented several schemes and programmes on promotion of entrepreneurship and creation of sustainable employment through the application of Science and Technology. The Board has also been organizing skill development program-mes in various trades.

National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization (NATMO)
It concentrates its attention in a number of areas to integrate resource map with other relevant socioeconomic data and represent them in spatial forms, useful for developmental planning. NATMO is trying to develop the new technology of reverse printing for NATMO maps on experimental basis.

National Research Development Corporation (NRDC)
It was established in 1953 as a commercial company for promotion of inventive activity in the country and translating Research and Development results into marketable industrial products, processes and services. The corporation, a Public Sector Enterprise is playing a catalyst role in commercial applications of indigenous and foreign R & D results by transfer of technology from laboratories to industries. It also guides and assists entrepreneurs in realizing their technical business plans.

National Afforestation and Eco-development Board (NAEB)
It was constituted in 1992 with the task of promoting afforestation, their plantation, ecological restoration and Eco-development activities in the country with special attention to degraded forest areas and lands adjoining the forest areas, national parks, sanctuaries and other protected areas.

National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation
It was set up to provide economic and development activities for the benefit of backward sections among the minorities, preference being given to occupational groups and women among minorities.

National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation
It was incorporated on Jan. 24, 1997 as a company, not for profit wholly owned by Government of India. Its aims to promote economic empowerment of the persons with disabilities through financing self employment ventures.

National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
It is an autonomous Organization under the Department of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Human Resource Development. The objects of the Institute are to develop and promote voluntary action in social development; take a comprehensive view of child development and develop and promote in pursuance of the National Policy for children.

National Water Board
It was constituted by the Government in September 1990 to review the progress of implementation of the National Water Policy and to report to the National Water Resources Council for initiating effective measures for systematic development of the country's water resources.

Press Council of India
It has been established is 1966 for the purpose of preserving the freedom of the press and of maintaining and improving the standards of newspapers and news agencies in India.

Rehabilitation Council of India
It is a statutory body. It is responsible for regulating training policies and programmes for various categories of professional in the area of disability. Its functions include ( i ) Standardization and regularization of training courses at different levels, ( ii ) recognition of institutions/universities for their training courses within and outside the country on a reciprocal basis.

Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO)
It was set up in 1984, functions as an apex body in the formulation of policies and coordination of institutional activities both at the center and the state level, for sustained and organized growth of small scale Industries.

Survey of India (SOI)
Survey of India, the national survey and mapping organization under the Ministry of Science and Technology was set-up in 1767. The primary responsibility of SOI is to maintain topographical map coverage on 1 : 250 K, 1 : 50 K and 1 : 25 K scales.

Sports Authority of India (SAI)
It was established by the Government in Jan. 1984. It is now the nodal agency in the country for broad basing sports and for training of sports persons to achieve excellence in national and international sports.

Technology Development Board (TDB)
It was constituted in Sept. 1996. The Board provides financial assistance to industrial concerns and other agencies for attempting development and commercial application of indigenous technology or adapting important technology for wider domestic application.

The Central Groundwater Authority
It was set up on Jan. 14, 1997 under the Environmental Protection Act, 1986 and was given the mandate of regulation and control of the development and management of groundwater resources in the country.

The Central Board for Workers Education (CBWE)
With headquarters at Nagpur, it was established in 1958. The Board under takes training programmes, which cover workers from organized, unorganized, rural and informal sectors.