
SSC CGL 2013 CAT Hearing Updates Next Hearing On 2nd April

[Updates Next Hearing On  2nd April]

So the next day of hearing will be On  2nd April 

As per the trend set by the very CAT Court do not expect anything out of the ordinary on 2nd April , all they are doing is to give next date of hearing and sit back and relax.

There are many questions unanswered in this 2013 SSC CGL Exam fiasco, 

1. Why SSC CGL did not cancel the exam when there were such wide spread leaks after the tier 1 exam ?

2. Why they were trying to complete the SSC CGL 2013 even though there were no transparency and honesty in the conduct of the exam ?

3. Since the expose of the leaks , what work was done by the investigative agencies?

 4. Why there is no action taken on any official for letting tier 2 happen when there were such massive leaks reported ? 

5 Again when Tier 2 Leaked why tried to escape from responsibility and did not reconduct the exam at least on the centers where leaks occurred?

They are playing with the lives of Lacks of Candidates and the lack of active decision taking abilities shown by ssc official casts a murky picture of ssc in the bad canvas of forgettable SSC CGL 2013 .

Each candidate thinks of his/her own benefit its obvious , that's why nobody is thinking of the people who could not qualify the tier 1 due to the inflated Score of 96 , The reason for the steep rise in the cutoff was leaks and candidates unworthy of getting in strolled in with ease.

In this age of social Networking and Technology leak in any remote region of India can spread to each and every corner of the Country in minutes time , So by conducting the re exam in only selected Locations ssc  is Setting A bad precedent for Once Such Reputed Organization.

After Seeing how our tribunals work [ tribunals are meant for super fast justice to immediate matters of concern ] I can imagine what happens in our courts . The lack of accountability is as bad as corruption , this is why highly educated  people leave India and there is a hue and cry of Brain drain .