
SSC Quiz with ans

Q. Which one among the following gases readily combines with the haemoglobin of the blood?
2 Nitrogen dioxide
3 Carbon monoxide
4 Sulphur dioxide
Ans: 3
Q. In human, which one among the following, with reference to breathing, is correct?
1 During inhalation, diaphragm relaxes
2 During exhalation thorax cavity expands
3 During inhalation, intrapleural pressure becomes more negative
4 Unlike inhalation, normal exhalation is an active process

ns: 3
Q. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is used to measure -
1 Spread of solid tumour
2 Bone density
3 Ulcerous growth in stomach
4 extent of brain haemorrhage
Ans: 2
Q. Human blood is a viscous fluid.This viscosity is due to-
1 Proteins in blood
2 Platelets in plasma
3 Sodium in serum
4 RBC and WBC in blood
Ans: 1

Q. Cancer is more common in older people because-
1 Their immune systems have degenerated
2 The supply of certain hormones declines with age
3 Their bodies are unable to adjust to the changing environment
4 They have accumulated more mutations
Ans: 4
Q. What would happen if human blood becomes acidic (low pH)
1 Oxygen-carrying capacity of haemoglobin is increase
2 Oxygen-carrying capacity of haemoglobin is decrease
3 RBC count increase
4 RBC count decrease
Ans: 2
Q. Which one among the following statements about blood transfusion is correct?
1 Blood group B and receive from group AB
2 Blood group B and AB, and receive from group B
3 Blood group B and AB, and receive from group A
4 Blood group O, and receive from group B
Ans: 2
Q. Confirmation of the presence of Higgs boson will justify -
1 Both the standard model and superstring theory
2 The unification of all the four fundamental forces
3 The steady-states model of the universe
4 The mass of the fundamental particles
Ans: 4
Q. The gastrointestinal harmones namely secretin and cholecystokinin secreted by duodenal epithelium activate respectively Which organs to discharge their secretions?
1 Pancreas and gallbladder
2 Gallbladder and stomach
3 Pancreas and stomach
4 Stomach and small intestine
Ans: 3
Q. Milk is unique in its nutritive value. However, it is a poor source of -
1 Calcium
2 Iron
3 Copper
4 Sodium
Ans: 2