
General Science Physics Questions Collection with Answers For SSC EXAM(Apti Plus Academy For Competitve Examination)

1.Sound produced at a point is heard by a person after 5 second, while the same sound is heard by another person after 6 seconds. If the speed of sound is 300 m/s, what could be the maximum and minimum distances between the two persons?

A. 1.8 km, 0.15 km
B. 2.2 km, 0.20 km
C. 2.8 km, 0.25 km
D. 3.3 km, 0.30 km

Answer: Option D

ntensity of sound at a point is ____ its distance from the source.

A. directly proportional to
B. inversely proportional to
C. directly proportional to square of
D. inversely proportional to square of
Answer: Option D

3.Of the four locations mentioned below the highest inside temperature will be attained in the pressure cooker operated with the pressure valve open

A. at sea level
B. at the top of Mt. Everest
C. at a place in a valley below sea level
D. in an aeroplane flying at a height of 10,000 m with inside pressure maintained at the sea level
Answer: Option C

4.Radio telescopes are better than optical telescopes because

A. they can detect faint galaxies which no optical telescope can
B. they can work even in cloudy conditions
C. they can work during the day and night
D. All of the above
Answer: Option D

5.Out of the following pairs, which one does not have identical dimension?

A. Moment of inertia and moment of a force
B. Work and Torque
C. Angular momentum and Planck's constant
D. Impulse and Momentum
Answer: Option A

6.Mercury is commonly used as a thermometric fluid rather than water because

A. specific heat of mercury is less than water
B. specific heat of mercury is more than water
C. mercury has greater visibility than water
D. density of mercury is more than the water
Answer: Option C

7.Optical fibre works on the

A. principle of refraction
B. total internal reflection
C. scattering
D. interference
Answer: Option B

Light from the star, Alpha Centauri, which is nearest to the earth after the sun, reaches the earth in

A. 4.2 seconds
B. 42 seconds
C. 4.2 years
D. 42 years

Answer: Option C
Stars which appear single to the naked eye but are double when seen through a telescope are

A. novas and supernovas
B. binaries
C. asteroids
D. quasars
Answer: Option B

10.Isotopes of an element contain

A. the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
B. the same number of neutrons but different number of protons
C. equal number of protons and electrons
D. equal number of nucleons
Answer: Option A

11.In which of the following industries is mica as a raw material?

A. Cement
B. Glass and Pottery
C. Iron and Steel
D. Electrical
Answer: Option D

12.Identify the vector quantity from the following

A. Heat
B. Angular momentum
C. Time
D. Work
Answer: Option B

13.One should not connect a number of electrical appliances to the same power socket because

A. this can damage the appliances due to overloading
B. this can damage the domestic wiring due to overloading
C. this can damage the electrical meter
D. the appliance will not get full voltage
Answer: Option B

14.Rainbow is produced when sunlight fall on drops of rain. Which of the following physical phenomena are responsible for this?

Internal reflection
A. I, II and III
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I and III

Answer: Option C
15.Natural radioactivity was discovered by

A. Marie Curie
B. Ernest Rutherfor
C. Henri Becquerel
D. Enrico Fermi
Answer: Option C

Planets are

A. luminous heavenly bodies revolving around a star
B. non-luminous heavenly bodies
C. luminous heavenly bodies that twinkle
D. luminous heavenly bodies that do not twinkle
Answer: Option B

17.It is easier to roll a barrel full of coal tar than to pull it because

A. the full weight of the barrel comes into play when it is pulled
B. the rolling friction is much less than the sliding friction
C. more surface area of the barrel is in contact with the road when it is pulled
D. coal tar is a liquid and it flows in the barrel when it is rolled
Answer: Option B

Minimum number of unequal vectors which can give zero resultant are

A. two B. three
C. four D. more than four

Answer: Option B
19.Rain is falling vertically downwards. To a man running east-wards, the rain will appear to be coming from

A. east B. west
C. northeast D. southeast
Answer: Option A

20.An aeroplane is flying horizontally with a velocity of 600 km/h and at a height of 1960 m. When it is vertically at a point A on the ground a bomb is released from it. The bomb strikes the ground at point B. The distance AB is

A. 1200 m
B. 0.33 km
C. 3.33 km
D. 33 km
Answer: Option C