1. Which sister organization of the World Bank helps private activity in
developing countries by financing projects with long-term capital in the
form of equity and loans ?
1. Asian Development Bank
2. IMF
3. International Development
4. International Finance Corporation
5. None of these
Ans : International Finance Corporation
2. Which sister organization of the World
Bank provides long term loans at zero
interest to the poor and developing
countries ?
1. Asian Development Bank
2. IMF
3. International Development
4. International Finance Corporation
5. None of these
Ans : International Development Association
3. Who is known as the "Father of
Economics" ?
1. Adam Smith
2. Chanakya
3. Machiavelli
4. Jhonson
5. None of these
Ans : Adam Smith
4. Which was the first Indian Bank to
introduce credit card ?
1. State Bank of India
2. Central Bank of India
3. Union Bank of India
4. ICICI Bank
5. None of these
Ans : Central Bank of India
5. What does devaluation of a currency
mean ?
1. decrease in the internal value of
2. decrease in the external value of
3. decrease both in the external and
internal values of money
4. None of these
5. both 1 and 2
Ans : decrease in the external value of
6. Which of the following is known as
plastic money ?
1. bearer cheques
2. credit cards
3. demand dreafts
4. gift cheques
5. None of these
Ans : >credit cards
7. Failure to carryout a contract is called ?
1. breaking
2. default
3. overdraft
4. insolvency
5. None of these
Ans : breaking
8. A Government order which stops trade
is called ?
1. embargo
2. stay order
3. trade ban
4. trade boycott
5. None of these
Ans : embargo
9. The debt which can never be recovered
is a / an
1. dead debt
2. forgotten debt
3. bad debt
4. doubtful debt
5. None of these
Ans : bad debt
10. A situation where two companies hold
shares in each other is called ?
1. equity holding
2. swapping
3. reciprocal holding
4. cross holding
5. None of these
Ans : cross holding
11. Ability of a customer to pay for good
bought on credit is called
1. goodwill
2. credibility
3. credit worthiness
4. reputation
5. None of these
Ans : credit worthiness
12. Which of the following is an example of
informal communication ?
1. Office order
2. Memo
3. Grapevine
4. Circular
5. None of these
Ans : Grapevine
13. Which of the following doesn't appear
on the liabilities side of the balance
sheet ?
1. Capital
2. Loans
3. Advertisement expenditure
4. Share capital
5. None of these
Ans : Advertisement expenditure
14. Harmonising of various activities
means ?
1. Co-opeartion
2. Span of Control
3. Co-ordination
4. Direction
5. None of these
Ans : Co-ordination
15. A company comes into existence when
it gets
1. High court order
2. Central Government order
3. Certificate of Commencement
4. Certificate of incorporation
5. None of these
Ans : ertificate of incorporation
16. Money market is a market for
1. Long term funds
2. medium term funds
3. short term funds
4. Both 1 and 2
5. None of these
Ans : short term funds
17. Transfer of an existing or future right,
property or a debt by one person to
another is called
1. assignment
2. pledge
3. endorsement
4. charge
5. None of these
Ans : assignment
18. No interest is paid by banks on
1. Recurring deposits
2. Current deposits
3. Saving deposits
4. Fixed deposits
5. None of these
Ans : Current deposits
19. A method of comparing the internal
capabilities of an organization with the
demands and challenges of its external
environment is referred to as
1. SHOT analysis
2. SWOT analysis
3. stake holder analysis
4. shareholder analysis
5. None of these
Ans : SWOT analysis
20. "Stag" in a share market is
1. an animal
2. a short term security
3. a broker who deals in new shares
4. shares of shut down companies
5. None of these
Ans : a broker who deals in new shares
1. Market information means ?
1. Knowledge of shops and bazaars
2. Knowledge of shipping malls
3. Knowledge of customer profile and
product mix
4. Knowledge of various languages
5. None of these
Ans : option 3
2. Market Research is needed for ?
1. Checking the market area
2. Checking the right product to be
3. Making proper marketing decisions
4. Deciding right time to sell
5. All of these
Ans : All of these
3. Which of the following statements is
true ?
1. Marketing makes the company to go
into loss due to higher expenses
2. Marketing is not required in profit
making companies
3. Marketing sharpens the minds of the
4. Marketing is a time bound seasonal
5. Marketing is a waste of time
Ans : Marketing sharpens the minds of the
4. Marketing plan helps in
1. better lead generation
2. better systems
3. better results
4. improved balance sheet
5. better customer service
Ans : better results
5. If marketing is done effectively
which of the following is not
required ?
1. Advertisement
2. Publicity
3. Market Research
4. Market Segmentation
5. None of these
Ans : Publicity
6. Motivation Means ?
1. Inspiring employees to perform
2. Better communication skills
3. Sales coaching
4. Market research
5. None of these
Ans : Inspiring employees to perform better
7. In a selling process in today's world
1. Only standard products are sold
2. No customization required
3. The seller need not have product
4. the seller should aim at customer
5. only quantum of sales matters
Ans : the seller should aim at customer
8. Which of the following is an element
of an organizations internal
environment ?
1. competitors
2. employees
3. wholesalers
4. retailers
5. none of these
Ans : employees
9. A Target market is
1. entire country
2. entire city
3. entire globe
4. that which consists of customers
who need the identified product
5. all of these
Ans : Option 4
10. Sales forecasting involves
1. Sales planning
2. Sales pricing
3. Distribution Channels
4. Consumer tastes
5. All of these
Ans : All of these
11. Which of the following product is
being sold under the brand name
1. Shirts
2. Ties
3. Both 1 & 2
4. Computers
5. Mobiles
Ans : Both 1 & 2
12. SWIFT - cars are being manufactured
1. DCM
2. Maruti
3. Premier Automobiles
4. Hyundai
5. None of these
Ans : Maruti
13. "With you all the way" is the slogan
of ?
1. Vodafone
2. SBI
4. LIC
5. Raymonds
Ans : SBI
14. Arrange the following Steps of selling
process in a proper order in order to
help the sales man ?
ting and
1. II, III, I, V, IV
2. I, II, III, IV, V
3. I, II, V, III, IV
4. II, I, III, V, IV
5. None of these
Ans : II, III, I, V, IV
15. Expand RTGS ?
1. Real Time Gross Settlement
2. Real Time Group Selling
3. Retailers Trade Group Selling
4. Reliance Technology Group Sellers
5. None of these
Ans : Real Time Gross Settlement
16. Cross Selling means ?
1. Identifying customer needs
2. matching the products to customer
3. convincing the customers of product
4. responding to questions and
objections of customers
5. all of these
Ans : all of these
17. The International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
(IBR) is better known as ?
1. World Bank
2. Asian Development Bank
3. IMF
4. Security Bank
5. None of these
Ans : World Bank
18. Marketing to reduce demand or
shifting the demand but not to
destroy demand is known as
___________ ?
1. Market Demand
2. Shift Demand
3. Demarketing
4. Premarketing
5. None of these
Ans : Demarketing
19. Temporarily pricing below the list
price in order to increase short 'run
sales is known as _______ ?
1. Promotional pricing
2. Segmentation pricing
3. Bundle pricing
4. Product line pricing
5. None of these
Ans : Promotional pricing
20. Identify the period from product life
cycle "which make rapid market
acceptance and increasing profits" ?
1. Product Development
2. Introduction
3. Growth
4. Maturity
5. Decline
Ans : Growth