
English Miscellaneous Quiz For SSC CGL And SSC CPO Exam 2018

Directions (1-5): In these questions some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and indicate it corresponding to the appropriate letter. If there is no error, indicate corresponding to the last option.

Q1. The party had also raised questions about the (A)/ manner in which the companies are roped in as (B)/ offset (export obligation) partners for the deal. (C)/ No Error (D)

Q2. In recent times, (A)/ gag orders have been (B)/ coming as the avalanche. (C)/ No Error (D)

Q3. It is not governments that opt for prior (A)/ restraint to silence the media and hamper the flow of (B)/ information but also powerful corporate houses. (C)/ No Error (D)

Q4. The law panel’s recommendation seems to be at odds (A)/ with academics, policy-makers and civil society representatives of diverse political persuasions (B)/ who have backed the idea of a uniform civil code for India. (C)/ No Error (D)

Q5. The enduring image of the recent floods in Kerala is the one in (A)/ which a young fisherman is on all fours in flood waters to enable aged (B)/ women get into a lifeboat by stepping down to his back. (C)/ No Error (D)

Directions (6-8): In the following question, sentences are given with blanks to be filed in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four as your answer.

Q6. A swelling Ganga river has __________ the temples on Varanasi ghats and forced cremations at the Manikarnika to be shifted to upper platforms.

Q7. The actor started his career in Bollywood in the 1940s and earned the _________ of 'Tragedy King' for the large number of tear-jerkers he featured in.

Q8. The area near the site had been dug up for the project and construction material is _________ all over the place.

Directions (9-10): In the following questions, four words are given out of which one word is incorrectly spelt. Select the incorrectly spelt word.



Directions (11-13): In the following question, out of the four alternatives select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

Q11. Go to town
 To save something for a possible unexpected future need
 Do something with a lot of enthusiasm
 Not known or popular with many people
 To collect your household belongings and leave your house

Q12. Take something in stride
 Put something in reserve for later use
 Always complain about things in one’s life
 Neighborhood or vicinity
 To adjust to bad fortune

Q13. Flip one’s lid
 To feel well and healthy
 To consider another person's perspectives before making a judgment about them
 React very strongly or wildly
 Make a fair and honest judgment

Directions: (14-15) Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.

Q14. One who runs away from justice

Q15. A small growth of trees without underbrush

