
SSC Stenographer Grade C and D 2018 Exam: Preparation Tips and Strategy

SSC will conduct Computer Based Examination (CBE) for Recruitment of Stenographer Grade “C” (Group B - Non-Gazetted) and Stenographer Grade “D” (Group C - Non-Gazetted) very soon. As per the latest official notification released by SSC, the SSC Stenographer Recruitment 2018 for Grade ‘C’ and ‘D’ has been started. The notification has been released on 22nd October, 2018. The exam will be conducted in two stages. Stage 1 will be an online examination consisting of objective type multiple choice questions and will be conducted from 1st February 2019 to 6thFebruary 2019. Stage 2 will be a Skill Test.  We will notify the exam date for Skill Test as soon as SSC release the official notification.
The first phase of the Stenographer Recruitment Process is the Online Examination which will be of total 200 questions for 200 marks distributed in three sections - General Awareness, English Language & Comprehension and General Intelligence & Reasoning:
S. No.
Subject Details
Number of Questions
Number of Marks
Time Duration
General Intelligence (Reasoning Questions)
2 Hours
(2 hours and 40 minutes
for VH/OH)
General Awareness
English Language and Comprehension

Points to Remember
  • In the exam, each question carries one mark.
  • There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
  • Online Exam will consist of Objective Multiple choice questions both in Hindi and English except for English Language and Comprehension Section.
  • SSC will decide the minimum qualifying marks of the online exam.
Here are some important tips which will help you in acing Stenographer Grade C and D 2018 Exam:

Tips to crack English Language and Comprehension Section

English Language & Comprehension Section is considered to be one of the most important and high scoring section of Paper-I of SSC Stenographer Grade C and D Exam. Under this section, the candidates' understanding of the English Language would be tested.
Questions would be designed to test your proficiency in below topics:
English Language & Comprehension Topics
Number of Questions Asked
Idioms and Phrases
Fill in the Gaps in sentences
Cloze Test
One word Substitution
Active/Passive Voice
Direct/Indirect Sentence
Sentence Improvement
Spotting the Errors
Sentence structuring
Parajumbled Sentences
Reading Comprehension

So, let’s look at some ways through which you will be able to this section:
  • Improve your Vocabulary: Take the help of Thesaurus, Word List and Online Flashcards to improve your vocabulary. These are some easy ways to study and memorize words. Keep a pocket note book in which you can jot down a few words every day, say 10-20. The most important thing is you must go through the list frequently.
  • Improve your English Grammar: A proper understanding of Grammar Usage is required for attempting questions from the section – ‘English Language and Comprehension’.  These types of questions are quite common in all competitive exams and mostly come in the form of questions like ‘spotting the errors’. Finding an error in a sentence is a step-by-step process. Students must follow grammar rules while solving such type of questions.
  • Improve your Reading Comprehension Skills: In order to crack the reading comprehension part and to develop reading skills, it is very much required to develop the habit of reading every day. Prefer reading newspaper and feature stories, opinion pieces in editorials, business magazines, etc.

Tips to crack General Awareness Section

In this section, questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries.
These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline and questions would be designed to test your proficiency in below topics:
General Awareness Topics
Number of Questions Asked
Static Gk
Polity including Indian Constitution
Current Affairs
Recent Developments
7 – 10
Awards and Honors
Scientific Research
Important Dates

So, let’s look at some ways through which you will be able to this section:
  • Read to Increase Knowledge: Read magazines, newspapers, weekly GK Blog online and watch news channels for SSC General Knowledge.
  • Create and Revise Notes: It will help you to revise all the topics which you have covered in SSC Current Affairs. Revision plays an important role in this section. Reading once won’t give you benefit. You have to memorize these points by revising frequently.
  • Focus on Important topic first: The exam usually has more questions from Static GK than Current Affairs. Therefore, focus more on static GK and simultaneously stay in touch with Current Affairs.

Tips to crack General Intelligence and Reasoning Section

This section will include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. The test will include questions on Analogies, Similarities and differences, Space visualization, Problem solving, Analysis, Judgement, Decision making, Visual memory, Discriminating observation, Relationship concepts, Arithmetical reasoning, Verbal and figure classification, Arithmetical number series, Non-verbal series, etc.
The test will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation and other analytical functions.Questions would be designed to test your proficiency in below topics:
General Intelligence and Reasoning Topics
Number of Questions Asked
Verbal Reasoning
Alphabet Test
Series Completion
Blood Relations
Arithmetical Reasoning
Coding- Decoding
Mathematical Operations
Insert the missing Character/ Number
Direction test
Logical Venn Diagrams
Non-Verbal Reasoning
Figure Embedding
Paper Based Folding
Mirror Reflection

So, let’s look at some ways through which you will be able to this section:
  • Improve your logical skills: As this section test candidates’ ability to think and problem solving skills, therefore it is required by the students to sharpen their logical and analytical skills.
  • Command over concepts: Both Verbal and Non Verbal Types of Concepts should be focused by the candidates. The understanding of Directions should be accurate, i.e., identifying which direction is West, North, East or South. Series is the most important topic, but it is also very difficult to master. You should make sure you practice each and every concept thoroughly and try not to rush through the topics.
  • Don’t make unnecessary assumptions: Always remember that the given question will be solved by the data given only, don’t make unnecessary assumptions or judgment while solving the problem. Use smart and appropriate tricks and method for solving any problem.

5 Important Preparation Tips for SSC Stenographer Grade C and D 2018 Exam

If you want to score high in the SSC Stenographer 2018 Exam, then plan strategically and follow the below 5 basic tips:
  1. Practice Previous Year Question Papers: Make a habit practicing previous year paper and mock test every day to improve your speed and accuracy. Solve previous year papers as there are many questions which are repeated. Try to practice as much previous paper as you can. But don’t forget to follow the current structure of the exam, as exam pattern keeps on changing from time to time. 
  2. Practice Important Topics: Students can look into the chapter-wise analysis mentioned above and focus on the important topics first.
  3. Time Management: You are required to allot proper time to important topics covered in exam. First try to focus on you weak areas and spend more time solving them. Do practice those topics which are your strength areas but allocate little less time for that. Try not to give more than one minute to any question while solving them.
  4. Focus on your weak areas: First try to focus on you weak areas and spend more time improving them. Devote more time to your weak areas and less time to your strong areas.
  5. Build a Proper Structure: Follow a proper strategy and a time table for all the sections of question paper. Try to invest at least 2-3 hours on each section every day for better output.