
GA Notes :Notes on Indian Constitution Parts and Schedules

Indian Constitution Parts and Schedules
Originally the constitution contained 395 articles divided in 22 parts and 8 schedules.At present there are, 448 articles in 25 parts, 12 schedules. The numbering still remains the same but as and when the constitution is amended, new articles are added below original articles with suffix A, B, C etc. For example, when our constitution was amended for adjusting the Right to Education, a new Article 21A was inserted below Article 21.

Parts of Indian Constitution:
Part IThe Union and its territoryArt. 1 to 4
Part IICitizenshipArt. 5 to 11
Part IIIFundamental RightsArt. 12 to 35
Part IVDirective PrinciplesArt. 36 to 51
Part IVAFundamental DutiesArt. 51A
Part VThe Union
Chapter I - The Executive (Art.52 to 78)
Chapter II - Parliament (Art.79 to 122)
Chapter III - Legislative Powers of President (Art.123)
Chapter IV - The Union Judiciary (Art. 124 to 147)
Chapter V - Comptroller and Auditor-General of India (Art.148 to 151)
Art. 52 to 151

Part VIThe States
Chapter I - General (Art.152)
Chapter II - The Executive (Art.153 to 167)
Chapter III - The State Legislature (Art.168 to 212)
Chapter IV - Legislative Powers of Governor (Art.213)
Chapter V - The High Courts (Art.214 to 232)
Chapter VI - Subordinate Courts (Art.233 to 237)
Art. 152 to 237
Part VIIStates in the B part of the First schedule
Repealed by Const. (7th Amendment) Act, 1956
Part VIIIThe Union TerritoriesArt. 239 to 242
Part IXThe PanchayatsArt. 243 to 243O
Part IXAThe MuncipalitiesArt. 243P to 243ZG
Part IXBCo-operative SocietiesArt. 243H to 243ZT
Part XThe Scheduled and Tribal AreasArt. 244 to 244A
Part XIRelations between the Union and the States
Chapter I - Legislative Relations (Art.245 to 255)
Chapter II - Administrative Relations (Art.256 to 263)
Art. 245 to 263
Part XIIFinance, Property, Contracts and Suits
Chapter I - Finance (Art.264 to 291)
Chapter II - Borrowing (Art.292 to 293)
Chapter III - Property, Contracts, Rights, Liabilities, Obligations and Suits (Art.294 to 300)
Chapter IV - Right to Property (Art.300-A)
Art. 264 to 300A
Part XIIITrade, Commerce and Intercourse within the Territory of IndiaArt. 301 to 307
Part XIVServices under the Union and the StatesArt. 308 to 323
Part XIVATribunalsArt. 323A to 323B
Part XVElectionsArt. 324 to 329A
Part XVISpecial provisions relation to certain classesArt. 330 to 342
Part XVIIOfficial Language
Chapter I - Language of the Union (Art.343 to 344)
Chapter II - Regional Languages (Art.345 to 347)
Chapter III-Language of the Supreme Court, High Courts, and so on (Art.348 to 349)
Chapter IV-Special Directives (Art.350 to 351)
Art. 343 to 351
Part XVIIIEmergency ProvisionsArt. 352 to 360
Part XIXMiscellaneousArt. 361 to 367
Part XXAmendment of the ConstitutionArt. 368
Part XXITemporary, Transitional and Special ProvisionsArt. 369 to 392
Part XXIIShort title, commencement, authoritative text in Hindi and repealsArt. 393 to 395

Indian Constitution Schedules:

Indian Constitution originally had eight schedules. Four more schedules were added by different amendments, now making a total tally of twelve. Schedules are basically tables which contains additional details not mentioned in the articles.

Indian Constitution Schedules 1 to 12
First schedule - The list of states and union territories and their territories
Second schedule - Provisions of the President, Governors of States, Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the House of the People and the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Council of States and the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council of a State, the Judges of the Supreme Court and of the High Courts and the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India the list of states and union territories and their territories.
Third Schedule - The Forms of Oaths or Affirmations.
Fourth Schedule - Provisions as to the allocation of seats in the Council of States.
Fifth Schedule - Provisions as to the Administration and Control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes.
Sixth Schedule - Provisions as to the Administration of Tribal Areas in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.
Seventh Schedule - The Union list, State list and the concurrent list.
Eighth Schedule - The list of recognized languages.
Ninth Schedule - Provisions as to validation of certain Acts and Regulations.
Tenth Schedule - Provisions as to disqualification on ground of defection.
Eleventh Schedule - The powers, authority and responsibilities of Panchayats.
Twelfth Schedule - The powers, authority and responsibilities of Municipalities.