
Daily Vocabulary For SSC CGL And CPO Exam 2018

1. PECULIAR-अजीब
Meaning: to be strange or bizarre
Synonyms: distinct, unique
Antonyms: similar, usual
Example: Upon entering the abandoned house, Kate experienced a peculiar feeling, as if someone was watching her.

2. PRAGMATIC-व्यावहारिक
Meaning: to be practical or useful
Synonyms: realistic, hardheaded
Antonyms: impractical, unreasonable
Example: It’s not necessarily more pragmatic to study engineering than it is to study philosophy.

3. REFUTE-तर्क से असत्य ठहराना
Meaning: to prove to be untrue, unfounded, or incorrect
Synonyms: counter, expose
Antonyms: agree, aid
Example: The student refuted the professor’s claim in class.

4. MALLEABLE-आघातवर्धनीय
Meaning: capable of being molded or changed
Synonyms: adaptable, flexible
Antonyms: rigid, inflexible
Example: Children’s minds are malleable but only for so long.

5. INCITE-उत्तेजित करना
Meaning: to encourage or stir up
Synonyms: rouse, provoke
Antonyms: cease, stop
Example: Her hateful words incited anger in the crowd.

Meaning: publicly shameful or humiliating
Synonyms: disgrace, lowness
Antonyms: graceful, praise
Example: The politician's expensive campaign ultimately ended in ignominious defeat.

7. GERIATRIC-जराचिकित्सा
Meaning: relating to old age
Synonyms: fossil, elderly
Antonyms: new, young
Example: I became interested in geriatric medicine shortly after my grandfather passed away from cancer.

8. EXHILARATING-प्राणपोषक
Meaning: invigorating, stimulating, or exciting
Synonyms: thrill, uplift
Antonyms: depress, bore
Example: The music playing at the club was catchy and exhilarating.

9. EXACERBATE-तीक्ष्ण करना
Meaning: to make worse or increase the severity of
Synonyms: aggravate, annoy
Antonyms: calm, soothe
Example: The doctor told me not to run as it can exacerbate my knee injury.

Meaning: to respect or regard
Synonyms: yielding, docile
Antonyms: disregard, fight
Example: Her deference to the elderly makes her the perfect candidate for an internship at the retirement center.