
English Short Notes:Adjectives Rules

Basic Definition of Adjective : Simply we can say that Adjectives are describing words. Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns.
Examples :

Sizes : big, small, large, thin, thick
Shapes : triangular, round, square, circular
Colors : black, blue, white, green, red
Personality : happy, sad, angry, depressed
Time : Yearly , monthly, annually
Ages : new, young, old, brand-new, second-hand
Sounds : Loud, noisy, quiet, silent
Tastes : juicy, sweet
Qualities : good, bad, mediocre

now lets have a look at the Rules on Adjectives :
Shortcut Rule 1 :
In a comparison, the conjunction 'than' should be followed by 'any other' If a person / thing is compared with any other person / thing among some / many.

Shortcut Rule 2 :
In comparisons, the monosyllable words like "hot / easy / tall / small" should not be used with more / most.

Shortcut Rule 3 :
Elder / Eldest should be used with the members of the same family.
Older/ Oldest these comparative adjective denote the age of person / thing.

Shortcut Rule 4 :
 While comparing the objects, we should see that a noun is compared with another but not with some other word.

Shortcut Rule 5 :
One, Two, Three etc. are called Cardinal Numbers.
First, Second, Third etc are called Ordinal Numbers.
In usage the Ordinal number is used in the First Place.
Trick: CO

Shortcut Rule 6 :
The following comparative adjectives should be used 'to' in comparison but not 'than'. (More / Most should not be used).
Interior / Superior / Junior / Senior / Anterior / Posterior etc.

Shortcut Rule 7 :
 After 'comparatively / relatively' an adjective under positive degree should be used.

Shortcut Rule 8 :
After 'prefer / preferable' instead of than, 'to' should be used.

Shortcut Rule 9 :
More / Most should not be used with 'excellent / unique / perfect / major / complete / round / golden etc.

Shortcut Rule 10 :
 When we compare two qualities in the same person, we should say
 'Shivani is more wise than strong'

Shortcut Rule 11 : 
When two adjectives in different degrees of comparison are used in the same sentence, each should be complete in itself.