
List Of Scientific Name Of Animals and Birds | SSC & Railway Exam 2018

General Awareness is an equally important section containing same weightage of 25 questions in SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS exams and has an even more abundant importance in some other exams conducted by SSC. General Science is a scoring part consisting of the more number of questions than other parts. And not keeping this section in your priority list can stick your neck out to not let you bear the palm.

To let you make the most of GA section, we are providing Common Name Of Animals & Birds with their Scientific Name. Also Railway Exam is nearby with bunches of posts for the interested candidates in which General Science is a major part to be asked for various posts exams. We have covered important notes focusing on these prestigious exams. We wish you all the best of luck to come over the fear of General Awareness section
Common Name Of Animals & Birds
Scientific Name
PeacockPavo cristatus
FoxVulpes vulpes
TigerPanthera Tigris
HorseEquus caballus
BuffalowBabalus bubalis
DogCanis lupus familiaris
CatFelis domesticus
Rhesus monkey or baudarMacaca mulatta
HippopotamusHippopotamus amphibius
RhinocerosRhinoceros unicornis
Kashmir stag or hangulCervus canadensis hanglu
ElephantElephas maximus
ChinkaraGazella bennettii
LionPanthera leo
PigeonColumba livia
King CobraOphiophagus hannah
Wild AssEquus africanus asinus
Leopard or PantherPanthera pardus
CheetahAcinonyx jubatus
FrogRana Tigrina