
Idioms and Phrases Quiz For SSC Exams 2018-19

Directions (1-15): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

Q1. In awe of 
(a) Be confused
(b) Respect
(c) Follow the rules
(d) In a dangerous position

Q2. Take a toll
(a) Have an adverse effect
(b) Remain valid
(c) To expect something
(d) Make a start

Q3. Play havoc with
(a) To fight severely
(b) Do something to help
(c) Make an approximation
(d) Disrupt

Q4. Make a pitch
(a) Pay attention
(b) Try to persuade people to do something
(c) Regardless of
(d) Underline

Q5. Hard-pressed
(a) Bewildered
(b) To be insulted because of lack of talent
(c) Hard discipline
(d) To struggle to do or accomplish something

Q6. To give currency 
(a) To bestow importance
(b) To misinterpret
(c) To make publicly known
(d) To originate

Q7. Slip through the crack
(a) To not be noticed or dealt with by a system
(b) Try to persuade someone to do something by offering them a reward
(c) To not go well with someone
(d) To know about someone’s secret

 Q8. To take umbrage 
(a) To feel excited
(b) To be offended
(c) To be satisfied
(d) To be pleased

Q9. Get the axe
(a) Lose the job
(b) To get a desirable position at your work place
(c) Expert way of doing something
(d) To make fast decisions

Q10. Get the show on the road
(a) To receive applaud for an act
(b) To be reprimanded by parents
(c) Putting up an idea into action
(d) To achieve success suddenly

Q11. Cut to the quick
(a) To live in an unfamiliar surrounding
(b) Hurting someone deeply or offending them
(c) Challenge someone in his own area
(d) To force to a person who doesn’t show his emotions

Q12. Not turn a hair
(a) Getting into tears because of someone’s behavior
(b) Doing something that will cause you your own failure
(c) Not exhibiting any emotion where it is expected
(d) Possibility of a bright future

Q13. To have one’s heart in one’s boots
(a) To be deeply depressed
(b) To let out a secret
(c) To get angry
(d) To keep a secret

Q14. To speak daggers
(a) To praise someone
(b) To indulge in a sincere talk
(c) To speak to a person with hostility
(d) None of the above

Q15. To get the hang of a thing
(a) To be extravagant
(b) To learn to handle something with some skill
(c) To find mistakes in one’s work repeatedly
(d) None of the above

