1. Quagmire: (noun) नाज़ुक हालत
Meaning: a difficult, puzzling, or embarrassing situation from which there is no easy escape
Synonyms: bind,corner, dilemma, fix, hole, impasse, jam, mire, pickle, predicament, spot
Antonyms: advantage, solution, agreement, contentment
Usage: He's caught in a quagmire of debt.
2. Subtler: (adjective) जटिल
Meaning: clever at attaining one's ends by indirect and often deceptive means
Synonyms: artful, beguiling, cagey, crafty, cunning, cute, designing, devious, foxy, guileful, scheming, shrewd, slick, sly, tricky, wily
Antonyms: artless, guileless, ingenuous, innocent
Usage: There have been many subtler, more original and more systematic thinkers about the conditions of the social union.
3. Proffer: (verb) निवेदन करना
Meaning: to put before another for acceptance or consideration
Synonyms: extend, offer, tender, propose, give in, submit.
Antonyms: decline, deny, disallow, disapprove, negative, reject.
Usage: It is the ultimate manifestation of the marketplace of ideas; the more people who proffer their ideas to the world, the better the outcome will be for us all.
4. Hoary: (adjective) वयोवृद्ध
Meaning: dating or surviving from the distant past
Synonyms: age-old, aged, ancient, antediluvian, antique, dateless, hoar, immemorial, old, venerable
Antonyms: modern, new, recent
Usage: From one point of view they shadow out the great epic of the destinies of the human race; again, the universal solar myth claims a share in them; hoary traditions were brought into ex post facto connexion with them; or they served to commemorate simple meteorological and astronomical facts.
5. CONCOMITANT (adjective) सहगामी
Meaning: naturally accompanying or associated.
Synonyms: attendant, collateral, linked, accessory, auxiliary.
Antonyms: unassociated, unconnected, unrelated, indifferent, unbound.
Usage: That it is apparently devoid of psychical concomitant need not imply that the impressions concerned in it are crude and inelaborate.
6. STULTIFY (verb) वृथा करना
Meaning: cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine.
Synonyms: hamper, impede, obstruct, thwart, suppress, smother, repress, counteract, trammel, restrain.
Antonyms: consolidate, augment, glorify, exacerbate, exalt, stir, elevate, accentuate, strengthen.
Usage: By referencing actual statistics, he was able to stultify his opponent’s argument.
7. NIHILISM (noun) शून्यवाद
Meaning: the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless.
Synonyms: cynicism, rejection, repudiation, abnegation, disbelief, skepticism.
Antonyms: belief, faith, approval, discipline, ratification.
Usage: The rebels urged the people to grab hold of nihilism and remove all government officials from office.
8. BADINAGE (noun) परिहास
Meaning: humorous or witty conversation.
Synonyms: banter, chaff, jesting, repartee, barb, gambit.
Antonyms: bullying, criticism, argument, fight.
Usage: The president was in a good mood as he walked through the crowd and made several voters laugh with his witty badinage.
9. MELLOW (adjective) मधुर
Meaning: (especially of a sound, flavour, or color) pleasantly smooth or soft; free from harshness.
Synonyms: dulcet, euphonious, melodious, mellifluous, mellifluent.
Antonyms: rugged, abrading, gruff, abrasive, harsh.
Usage: His mellow voice and his qualitative speech made everyone applaud him.
10. EXCORIATE (verb) आलोचना करना
Meaning: to criticize harshly and usually publicly.
Synonyms: assail, castigate, lambaste, vituperate, imprecate.
Antonyms: acclaim, laud, praise, glorify, admire, exalt.
Usage: The stern judge will excoriate the behavior of the repeat offender by sentencing him to thirty years in prison.
Meaning: a difficult, puzzling, or embarrassing situation from which there is no easy escape
Synonyms: bind,corner, dilemma, fix, hole, impasse, jam, mire, pickle, predicament, spot
Antonyms: advantage, solution, agreement, contentment
Usage: He's caught in a quagmire of debt.
2. Subtler: (adjective) जटिल
Meaning: clever at attaining one's ends by indirect and often deceptive means
Synonyms: artful, beguiling, cagey, crafty, cunning, cute, designing, devious, foxy, guileful, scheming, shrewd, slick, sly, tricky, wily
Antonyms: artless, guileless, ingenuous, innocent
Usage: There have been many subtler, more original and more systematic thinkers about the conditions of the social union.
3. Proffer: (verb) निवेदन करना
Meaning: to put before another for acceptance or consideration
Synonyms: extend, offer, tender, propose, give in, submit.
Antonyms: decline, deny, disallow, disapprove, negative, reject.
Usage: It is the ultimate manifestation of the marketplace of ideas; the more people who proffer their ideas to the world, the better the outcome will be for us all.
4. Hoary: (adjective) वयोवृद्ध
Meaning: dating or surviving from the distant past
Synonyms: age-old, aged, ancient, antediluvian, antique, dateless, hoar, immemorial, old, venerable
Antonyms: modern, new, recent
Usage: From one point of view they shadow out the great epic of the destinies of the human race; again, the universal solar myth claims a share in them; hoary traditions were brought into ex post facto connexion with them; or they served to commemorate simple meteorological and astronomical facts.
5. CONCOMITANT (adjective) सहगामी
Meaning: naturally accompanying or associated.
Synonyms: attendant, collateral, linked, accessory, auxiliary.
Antonyms: unassociated, unconnected, unrelated, indifferent, unbound.
Usage: That it is apparently devoid of psychical concomitant need not imply that the impressions concerned in it are crude and inelaborate.
6. STULTIFY (verb) वृथा करना
Meaning: cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine.
Synonyms: hamper, impede, obstruct, thwart, suppress, smother, repress, counteract, trammel, restrain.
Antonyms: consolidate, augment, glorify, exacerbate, exalt, stir, elevate, accentuate, strengthen.
Usage: By referencing actual statistics, he was able to stultify his opponent’s argument.
7. NIHILISM (noun) शून्यवाद
Meaning: the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless.
Synonyms: cynicism, rejection, repudiation, abnegation, disbelief, skepticism.
Antonyms: belief, faith, approval, discipline, ratification.
Usage: The rebels urged the people to grab hold of nihilism and remove all government officials from office.
8. BADINAGE (noun) परिहास
Meaning: humorous or witty conversation.
Synonyms: banter, chaff, jesting, repartee, barb, gambit.
Antonyms: bullying, criticism, argument, fight.
Usage: The president was in a good mood as he walked through the crowd and made several voters laugh with his witty badinage.
9. MELLOW (adjective) मधुर
Meaning: (especially of a sound, flavour, or color) pleasantly smooth or soft; free from harshness.
Synonyms: dulcet, euphonious, melodious, mellifluous, mellifluent.
Antonyms: rugged, abrading, gruff, abrasive, harsh.
Usage: His mellow voice and his qualitative speech made everyone applaud him.
10. EXCORIATE (verb) आलोचना करना
Meaning: to criticize harshly and usually publicly.
Synonyms: assail, castigate, lambaste, vituperate, imprecate.
Antonyms: acclaim, laud, praise, glorify, admire, exalt.
Usage: The stern judge will excoriate the behavior of the repeat offender by sentencing him to thirty years in prison.