This is a post in the pay band 5,200-20,200 with grade pay of RS 2,800.
He has to pass a confirmatory exam first to be confirmed. 3 years compulsory service at the post is the minimum qualifying period for his promotion to the next post of Sr Auditor; but subject to his confirmation. If a vacancy is not available promotion will take more than 3 years. The pay-band for Sr Auditor is 9,300-34,800 and grade pay of Rs 4,200. But an Auditor can also appear in the SAS Exam after two years of qualifying service at the post if he is confirmed. After passing the exam he becomes AAO (Assistant Audit Officer) which is a Group-B gazetted post in the pay-band 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of Rs 4,800. After becoming AAO in this way, means through promotion, he does not need to take any further exam. In CAG the SAS exam has two stages namely 1. GROUP-I & 2. GROUP-II. In CGDA it has three stages namely 1. Preliminary, 2, Part-I, and 3. Part-II; if a person is already an S.A.S, he is exempted from taking the preliminary stage of the exam. An Auditor can also to be asked to go on official tours sometimes which may run 10-15 days. The confirmatory exam for Auditor is just simple one and is with books; means he has to take it with books on the syllabus in his hands.
Tax Assistant in CBDT
This is a post in the pay band 5,200-20,200 with grade pay of RS 2,400. Tax Assistant in CBDT can be posted at two levels; either in assessment of tax or in non-assessment. When he is posted in assessment he is supposed to do the work related to assessment of the income tax of an individual or a partnership firm or a company or as the case maybe; and he is to feed that data in the computer. He could also be asked to do any clerical work like work related to DIARY AND DISPATCH, noting, drafting etc. He could also be asked to accompany the RAID team. When he is posted at a seat that belongs to non-assessment he is supposed to do only clerical work. Also he gets a MTNL/BSNLsim from the department on which all STD calls on every type of BSNL/MTNL phone are free; and 400 minutes on other phones whether STD or LOCAL are free for every month. This sim is provided to every TA irrespective of the seat he is posted at. And gets 1 GB free use of data on internet.
Sr TA, ITI, ITO (Group-B gazetted); Assistant commissioner and so on. His next promotion is to the post of Sr TA for which 3 years of service is a qualification; means he cant be promoted to that post before 3 years of his tenure in the post of TA. Besides a departmental exam (in the name of DEPARTMENTAL EXAM FOR MINISTERIAL STAFF) too is a must to pass for promotion. He can appear in this exam anytime after his joining; according to the schedule declared. But this exam is just an eligibility; means he can be promoted only according to his seniority. After being promoted to Sr TA he is promoted to ITI. For being promoted to ITI there is a departmental exam too which TA also can take but anytime after passing the departmental exam for Sr TA.
Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)
MTS=Multi Tasking Staff is meant for 4th class posts like peon, waterman, chowkidar etc. Now they are part of group-C service associated with grade pay of Rs 1,800 in the pay-band of 5,200-20,800. It was Group-D service before 6th Central Pay Commission; which has been abolished now.