Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), Delhi has changed the date of hearing regarding SSC CGL 2013 exam from January 18 to 13th , CAT announced the next hearing date on 13.01.2014. Now it is very interesting that S.K. Ranjan, Dy. Regional Director, North-Western Region, the official notification for SSC CGL 2014 exam will be published on 18th January, 2014.
All SSC CGL 2013 aspirants have a good news! SSC has decided to fill an application in order to remove the stay order from CGL 2013 Tier-II exam held on 28th and 29th September, 2013 so that they can publish the result of CGL Tier-II exam. You know that SSC filled application in September to vacate the stay order from the CGL Tier-II exam. The stay order was removed and Tier-II exam was held on scheduled time. Now we may hope that same situation will happen again.
Now we have to wait for some days to see whether the stay on CGL 2013 Tier-II result will be vacated or another hearing date. Time will give this answer.