Noun and Verb Agreement :
this Post we shall discuss about the Noun and Verb agreement of the
sentences. Have a look at the following points. These points will help
you to use correct verbs while writing sentences.
- In the sentences, with " One of The" and a relative clause, the verb should be Plural. Confused??? see the example.
- Aamir is one of the students who has paid the fee
- Aamir is one of the students who have paid the fee
- In the sentences with the "Only one of The" and a relative clause, the verb should be Singular.
- Aamir is the only one of the students who have paid the fee.
☓ :P
- Aamir is the only one of the students who has paid the fee.
Got the difference???
- When two nouns joined by "and" have their own articles, it is plural in number.
- The lecturer and the Principal is on the leave.
- The lecturer and the principal are on the leave.
What is the difference? We are saying THE lecturer and THE principal. So they are TWO people. So we should use ARE instead of IS. Have a look at another Rule. So that you can get the rule in detail.
- But, when two nouns joined by "and" with an article before the first are treated as Singular.
- The lecturer and principal are on leave.
- The lecturer and principal is on leave.
Here, we are joining TWO nouns with and and using a
Sing article (THE) before them. Simply, we are using one THE for two
nouns. So, we are talking about a single person. So we should use IS
instead of ARE.
Check the following examples
- I have a black and a white dogs. (Two dogs)
- I have a black and white dog. (One dog)
- When two nouns are joined by "and" refers to one thing, singular verb can be used.
- Bread and butter is a healthy food.
- The horse & carriage is at the door.
Noun and Pronoun Agreement :
- When a collective noun is unanimous, it takes a singular verb.
- The committee has taken its decision unanimously.
- But when a collective noun is NOT unanimous, it usually takes a plural verb & plural pronoun (adj)
- The committee are divided in their opinion.
- The expression "many a" takes everything in singular, but it express a plural meaning.
- Many students have passed their test
- Many a students has passed this test