Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has released 251 Vacancies for the posts ofCombined State/Upper Subordinate Services Preliminary Examination.
Selection Process : The selection will be made on the basis of total marks obtained by the candidates in Main (Written) Examination and Interview.
Education Qualification: The candidates must possess Bachelors Degree of any recognised University or equivalent qualification upto the last date for receipt of application. For detailed information check below link.
Application Fee:-
1. General/OBC - Exam fee Rs. 100/- + On-line processing fee Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 125/-
2. SC/ST - Exam fee Rs. 40/- + On-line processing fee Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 65/-
3. Handicapped - Exam fee NIL + On-line processing fee Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 25/-
4. Dependents of the Freedom Fighters /Ex-Serviceman / Women - According to their original category.